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  • USA: Walmart gives associates a tool to deal with out-of-stocks

USA: Walmart gives associates a tool to deal with out-of-stocks






Walmart is not known for having large numbers of associates on its sales floors, but it may need to add more if a new tech to

The new tool for associates is just one in a number of steps the retailer has taken to try and improve service levels in stores. Last month, Walmart introduced Checkout With Me, a mobile checkout whereby associates positioned in heavy traffic areas such as action alley, electronics and the garden center can check out customers.

Two years ago, the chain introduced its “Holiday Helpers” to help answer customer questions and reduce bottlenecks at the checkout.

ol for workers becomes popular with customers during the holiday season. A new mobile app feature enables Walmart associates to search walmart.com for items not sold at their location, order the item for customers and have it shipped free to a customer’s home or to the store for free pickup.

The retailer claims that one of the best features of the mobile app tool is that it provides a variety of payment options. Once an item is ordered, customers are given a receipt. They then can go to any checkout in the store and pay with cash, check, credit or debit card as well as Walmart Pay.

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